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Chasing E-Reel Winder

Jaa käyttämällä suosikkipalveluasi

Sähkötoiminen ohjauskaapelin kelauslaite

Tuotteen tiedot
Mallinumero: 40.30.300.0021
Tuotenumero: 6971636380436
Paino: 3 kg

E-Reel Electronic cable winder

CHASING E-Reel is easy to use, it can retract the tether within 3-9 minutes, and can be used more than 30 times on a single charge. Let you get rid of the trouble of manual winding and enjoy the underwater exploration. 

The E-Reel has 14 specialized stainless steel bearings, which adopts high precision aluminum alloy synchronous belt to drive and high quality stainless steel reciprocating lead-screw line anti-blast technology. It can ensure automatic wiring smooth, and has good explosion-proof wire effet. The E-Reel supports up to 200 meters tether, take-up speed three gears adjustable. The fastest take-up time is 220 seconds. Hands free, Let you get rid of the trouble of manual winding and better enjoy the underwater exploration.

Note: no cable included. Cable comes with the ROV or you can buy separately longer cable up to 200m.

Compatible with models

  • Mini/Mini S/M2/M2 S/M2 Pro/M2 Pro Max


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